
Basic information

  1. The website operates under the terms of these Regulations.
  2. The Regulations define the types and scope of services provided electronically by the Site and the terms and conditions of use of the Site.
  3. The administrator of the website is the owner of
  4. is a website that publishes articles and information about Italy.
  5. Access to content on the site is free of charge. The condition for use is to have an electronic device with Internet access and to use one of the popular web browsers.


  1. Site (Service, Website, Portal) - the Internet service located at
  2. Administrator - the owner of the Internet domain.
  3. User - a person visiting, browsing and using the Site.
  4. Regulations - these rules and regulations.

Rules of use of the Service

  1. On the site, the Administrator periodically posts articles and entries, usually related to the subject of Italy.
  2. Users have the opportunity to read content published by the Administrator.
  3. Users can comment on posts, and the Administrator has the right to moderate them (post or reject).
  4. Comments created by Users should be edited in a legible manner, may not be of an advertising nature and may not violate current laws, rules of social coexistence, good customs and practices, as well as harm third parties.

Copyright information

  1. Content posted on the Service is the property of the Administrator and may not be modified, reproduced, copied or published in any way without the consent of the Administrator.
  2. This does not apply to external content, such as images from unsplash, which are licensed separately.