


Basilicata is a region located in southern Italy. It is primarily associated with the city of Matera, which made its big screen debut in the film "The Passion," depicting ancient Jerusalem and Golgotha. It also has the historic center of Sassi with its historic churches and houses carved into the rock. But in addition to the stone city, there are a number of other attractions crowded with tourists. Among them is the town of Metaponto, where ancient ruins can be found. Also noteworthy is the Oasis of Bosco Pantano, a nature reserve located near Policoro. For lovers of physical activity, especially trekking and hiking, the trail leading to Monte Volturino, a peak reaching a height of 1,863 meters above sea level, is particularly recommended. Along the way, you can observe extraordinary flora and fauna. Basilicata will also be an excellent choice for a vacation with children. Nearby you will find numerous water parks. Among them is the Waves Waterpark. What else to see in Basilicata? Where to stay and what local cuisine to try? What attractions are not to be missed? We invite you to read our articles.